Relationship Breakthrough Call
Cancellation Policy
If Client is receiving one-on-one calls, Client is allowed three (3) rescheduled calls until the End Date. All requests must be made at least 24hrs before the scheduled call, and be requested within Coach’s Office Hours and in times which Coach otherwise has available during that same week as the originally scheduled call. Such rescheduling requests must be made by Client via the Coach’s online-scheduling portal. Should Client “no show” on a one-on-one call, or arrive more than 10 minutes late, the call will be forfeited by Client unless that call can be rescheduled within the next 24hrs, as is available in Coach’s schedule. Should Client miss a group call, Coach will provide a recorded copy, if such exists. Should Coach decide to reschedule a group call, Coach will work in good faith to determine a time which is available for the majority of the participants. Any deviation from this Rescheduling part on behalf of Coach is a courtesy, and one occurrence of such deviation does not waive this provision and its ability to be enforced fully with any other rescheduling request. Should Client miss a group call, Coach will provide a recorded copy, if such exists. Should Coach decide to reschedule a group call, Coach will work in good faith to determine a time which is available for the majority of the participants. Any deviation from this Rescheduling part on behalf of Coach is a courtesy, and one occurrence of such deviation does not waive this provision and its ability to be enforced fully with any other rescheduling request. Coach does not offer refunds. Due to the unique nature of Coach’s services, it is agreed upon that Client enters into all containers and programs with the understanding that fears, excuses and resistance are to be expected. This is an ALL IN program, therefore there are no refunds or “back doors”. Coach is not responsible for each Client’s transformation and results will vary.
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